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How to collectively build an article, a book, a video?   |   Author: Kathy

How to apply the patterns of collective-building into an article, a book etc.?

I abstract a shared structure from this paragraph: collectively build x, as new people discover anbd contribute to the project of x, this will continue to transform and grow, so it's virtually never the same x twice. x could be an online community surrounding an article, a video, a book,a QA etc.

My question here is: How can we collectively build an article-community-item, a video-community-item, a book-community-item, a QA-community-item in a way inspired by this Johnny Cash Project?

我从这段文字抽取一个通用结构:集体构建x,当新来的 用户来体验这个x, 并且贡献一份力量时,x不断地改变和成长,x从来没有一样过 。x 可能是围绕着一篇文章,一个 视频,一本书,一个 QA 的在线社区。



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