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有哪些类似于“人生如戏”的习语和故事?      Kathy 2013-02-18 15:08:18
可能是各种 文化的...

如何用戏模型 (Play-model)来构建 User Scenario ?      Kathy 2013-02-18 15:05:01
我可以用3D的物理模型来表示物体. 比如说一个关于太阳,地球, 和月亮的模型. DNA 结构的发现的一个重要原因...

How to wire some learning patterns to an exsiting website?      Kathy 2013-02-17 14:25:53
Some existing websites such as  Quora, Amazon, Evernote etc...

What concept/rule of learning science is about time?      Kathy 2013-02-15 16:34:21
A key dimension to illustrate learning...

How to wire patterns of learning into software?      Kathy 2013-02-12 20:36:02
The methods/techniques...

Who, when, & where to wire patterns of learning into software?      Kathy 2013-02-12 20:24:07
I combine the dimension of 'who, when, & where' together...

Why to wire patterns of learning into software?      Kathy 2013-02-12 20:28:26
Two threads of thinking. Thread 1: What are some difficulties in learning and teaching, and software...

What patterns of learning to wire, and into what type of software?      Kathy 2013-02-12 20:32:54
 This question is to determine the scope of patterns, and types of software...

In order to wire patterns of learning into software, what questions do I need to ask?      Kathy 2013-02-12 19:12:13
It could be by 5W1H (What, why, who, when, where, how ), or by other structures...

在数字工具中,设计知识的 Representational m-modes, 应该考虑哪些因素?      Fengbin Zhao 2013-02-04 15:56:09
人们用多种方式记录和 Represent Knowledge in mind, 那么,我们可以用类似于 Google Map 的多底层来 表达...